is your perfection hindering you or allowing you to excel?

A wise woman years ago once told me “Don’t wait to be perfect…” We were talking of business in that moment and how I was inspiring to be a photographer, hairstyle artist, and writer.

Take time to enjoy life and walk in the creek.

Sadly, I didn’t heed her advice…until now. Though its been years, I’ve chewed on her advice every since that day in Cracker Barrel. Yet, until recent months I didn’t understand though I wanted to understand. 

My friends, if there is something that fills your tank in such way that when it overflows it makes life even just a teensy weensy bit better- DO IT. Perfection whatever that even means can and will wait. The thing with perfection is that it is just out of reach. The moment your fingertips grazes the hem…it’s gone. Why strive for it? Instead, work hard for what you *know* will make a difference not just in the lives of others, but within yourself. What you pour into yourself will eventually overflow to others.

My photography had to be perfect. What even more so is I had to make sure that I was well within the “safety  bounds” of photographic laws. Instead of taking the what I knew was good to go, I applied the legalism to the whole lot. Thus I wouldn’t post a single.thing. not allowing beautiful and the reflections of beauty to escape into the eyes and lives of people.

In a world where pain and chaos exist- creativity and beauty thrives.

Pain can only hold on for so long just as beauty can only envelope you for so long. One brings death…the other life. Then there’s combination of the two where pain makes beauty into a realization of a choice, seemly a way of life. Where out of that pain into beauty grows a connection that is deep and powerful- the ability to lend a hand to those willing to get out of their pain. Beauty may sometimes start in pain and sorrow, but it thrives on joy and determination of living a life to the fullest in the Gospel and in relationships.

I’ve come to realized that in order to use an advice is to actually put it into practice. To turn knowledge into lessons is to apply it. Lessons develop into experience which then can become habits. For so long I’ve requited  quality with perfection. They’re not the same.  I want high quality, but in order to get high quality is to take knowledge in my head and apply it turning them into lessons. That means being okay with making mistakes. Learning from them and moving on.  I’ve started to apply her wisdom to my business in all areas. To do my best, make it as high quality as I can for the moment, and then release it to be shown in the timing that it needs to be shown in.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.