Having a chance to rest this week has done me good. Yesterday I had slept for most of the day. I took I believe three naps— three long naps. In between times I journal, read, made brownies, and just was. If you know me or getting to know me, you know how much I protect my time alone. I relish my time to be renew myself and fiercely guard it. Of late though, I have had a great desire to run. Just run and keep on running. I haven’t had the option to run, but hopefully later in Europe I can.
Back to an incredible day!!! Where to start? Well I suppose you like me to start at the very beginning wouldn’t you? Well. I shan’t. I’ll start with my favorite part and you’ll have to piece together the timeline yourself.
But wouldn’t you know it, my favorite part is the beginning. You were beginning to sweat a little weren’t you? Thought I was going to make you do some work aye?
I awoke to a beautiful morning rays gently waking me up. My sister laid slumbering besides me. Not wanting to wake her, I counted my blessings joyfully in this flat. I am humbled and blessed to be among friends. I fell back to sleep.
Kate stirred and I was too content to move hours later. My heart filled with happiness, I slept to eleven o’clock. Aroma’s of Blingis filled the tiny flat and I took my time getting up. Kate teased me on my slow movements, but I was leisurely enjoying my time.
Taking my journal with me I moved into the tiny kitchen. Where my breakfast was lovenly prepared for me. Pouring tea, I sat down next to the hot oven to the window where the top portion was cracked open just a little to let in the morning air. Sunlight beam through as I opened my journal. Natasha opened her laptop and soft music flowed from it. The kitchen is so small, all I had to do was move a couple inches and I’d touch the stove or my friend. Of all the places I have been, this is where I have been the happiest. In a crowed flat with literally no room to spare, three women put us up and proceeded to pamper us in numerous ways. They have told us repeatedly that if we come back we are to stay with them, no if and buts. How is that the people who have no room made room for two girls? They crammed themselves in the next room sharing a bed as we ourselves shared a twin bed. How is it that here I am the most happiest?
After breakfast was over, Natasha prepared hot tea and lunch for us. We took off to a park. Where I photographed a beautiful palace. I have been told that weddings happen there. Indeed, I even saw a bride and a groom being photographed. I loved watching them. If were up to me I’d watch them for hours. However, Kate nor Natasha were interested in that and well I can’t blame them. I enjoy watching photographers and videographers work…when they know what they are doing. If they don’t it grates on my nerves as nails on chalk board.
After the park we met up with our friend and Russian tutor Sergey and one of Kate’s friend Ana and traversed to Tervoski Gallery. I snuck in a photograph or two at the prompting of my tutor. As beautiful as the Gallery was, it made me sad. Art is able to tell so much. There is much power in paintings and photographs. Artists and writers weld much power and they can change the world. In my time here I have discovered that Russian and Americans really are not that much different. We both have our share of deep sorrow and joy. Both of us love our country and want to believe that we are great. Both of us have share the “Great Depression”, fears, and trials. Being among Russians have opened my eyes that what is said isn’t always the case. I found to my astonishment how much the Russians wanted us to like them and that our approval meant a great deal to them. It was mutual, we wanted them to like us. To be sure there are some who don’t care, but you will find that everywhere even I am ashamed to say in my own country. I left that gallery with much thought, musing, and sadness. If you by chance can see it, do. You will discover just how much we are alike at least where we were in Moscow.