Hard to believe, already the 1st Christmas of 2019 is here. I guess it’s the only christmas of every year. That’s what makes every christmas memories wonderful. It’s specific to only that year and your story is your own perspective. This year- I am intentionally being in awe & wonder of this christmas season.

How is that time keeps flying by? Next year I’ll be embracing a new decade of both year and age. Most of us (myself include) keep looking towards the new year and that’s good. I am in the preparation of big things -at least to me- that is going to allow me to do what I am passionate about and bring beauty to you.
However, that’s for the future -except for bringing the beauty part that’s always both present and future. Christmas as of today is merely 19 days away. Yesterday in the midst of a 7 -was it longer? I’ve lost count- hour day of work, I came to realization of something important:
Take time to be in awe and wonder
To tell the truth, when I was kid it didn’t take much for me to get excited and to have the awe. It came naturally. As an adult it’s taken time and intentionally to have the “feelings” as it is when I was a child.
As I’ve grown older how I express my awe, how I allow my heart to be in wonder has changed. But what I am in awe and wonder of never had. This advent season is and always will be celebrating Jesus’s birth. Christmas wonder is something to be protected and be intentional on.
When I reflected on what helped me think in awe and wonder of Christmas I remembered a book. “Women’s of Advent”. The strength and courage of beautiful women who understood far more than they realize of their time helping carry on the line of Jesus. I confess while there’s space in the book to write- I have loose pages filled with my own thoughts from every year. Probably should write them into an actual book so I don’t loose the writings. It’s been three years since the book came out and every year I learn something new and expanded on what I’ve already gained.
You can find it Amazon or to discover online art classes – at Sheila’s Shop (please there’s only a copies of “Women’s of Advent” left for the online art class if you’d like to join). I asked Sheila’s permission before sharing with you for no other reason than this has really encouraged me as I hope it will you.
Creating space is important.
Additionally, decorating has helped me. Not because I *have* to- because I get to beautify my spaces- does decorating my desk and car count? It brings back memories that I enjoyed. Which spurs to write down activities that has brought me happiness.
However, when I think of it. The preparations for Christmas helping me be in awe and wonder has always ended with memories of play and relationships. The memories what what was done together. The heart behind it all. I guess that’s really what I’m trying to say. In preparing for Christmas in all of it awe and wonder it really does come to relationships.
When I turn my eyes on Him…I remember what Christ is truly about. Celebrating Jesus Christ who has come for you and I. All we have to do is believe He is who says He is.
Summing it up, relationship with Jesus is awe and wonder. The more I’ve gotten to know Him personally, the wonder of christmas comes with ease. Not that it is a piece of cake, holidays are hard. Despite that…remembering the reason for the season and preparing our hearts. Today and every day for the rest of this year-and our lives- we can be filled with awe and wonder.