Do you want to know a really good place to eat? Like you taste a bite of food that’s a little bit of food heaven. A restaurant that somehow managed to create a balance of refine while maintaining the taste of home cooked food. And there’s heaping of it, unlike most place I have been to- you won’t leave hungry. Bo Casa, now officially my favorite place to eat and I can count on one hand my favorites places to eat.
Do yourself a favor if you are ever in Delft, Holland you need to eat here. Try the hamburger or the chicken dish. Trust me its fabulous. Kate, my sister had to warn me not to eat her portion of lunch. The owner Carlos is very personable and he has trained his staff well. The menu is in dutch, but everyone speaks English well and to my surprise, there have been a great number of people in Holland who knows Spanish as well. Thankfully, dutch is for me relatively easy to read-but then again I have been in the country for about a month. If you have trouble just ask them what it is and they’ll be glad to help you.
They have coffee, tea, and milkshake if you just want to have a moment to relax. But seriously though, the food is outstanding. The whole atmosphere allows you to rest and be comfortable with the option of being outside or inside. True to the Dutch style, the tables are decorated with live flowers and the windows stills are filled them as well. Kate and I went around 1400pm (2:00) and it was the perfect time to come as it was in between lunch and dinner. To make Dutch people happy always thank them in their own language…dank u or thank you very much is Dank u wel.
Bo Casa Lunch en meer
Winkelcentrum ‘Hovenpassage’
Papsouwselaan 482
2624 EP , Delft