This week has been a week of business intensive. Truly, we have worked from 9:30 to beyond 7 nearly every night working hard. Our breaks are usually coffee breaks of 15 mins or less with a walk mid day. At night we’ve watch Sense and Sensibility often working through it as well. I believe come Monday I will take a day’s break.

The things I’ve learned. As much as I am incredibly thankful and enjoy our home office, doing business intensive is much hard to actually work. Office for ordinary work is great. Otherwise there’s too many distractions and pulls to also tend to as well. Daily walks are a must when I’m working hardcore for many hours a day complete with healthy snacks.

What to know the funny this is? I am absolutely enjoying this time. Seeing the work come to life, smoothing things out, and getting things into motions is a breathe of fresh air for me. Sometimes we need those moments to get away.

When there’s beauty, space, intentionality and time to do what you’re passionate about…things naturally gets done

There are days it’s simply not possible to rent a space to get away. When that is so…take time that you can to prep a space. Clear that schedule. Create the meals preps for the time you’d normally be away. Have a change in scenery even in your own home, an example decorate the room differently. Then my friend go to it.

Sometimes our getaways are in our spaces

A clean space filled with beauty is a productive space. Which is part of the reason I love printed photos such as the ones from my Gallery + Shop…it brings the room alive somehow. What that means to you may be quite different for me. That’s the thing of it…make it work. A quote has inspired me to “Make it work, then make it better.” There’s a lot of freedom to that. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but get started…and finish it. For me personally, it’s not the starting that the hardest though it’s plenty hard. It’s the finishing and staying consistent that is. But it’s so worth it.

Business Intensive is intensive focus on the present goals workings toward dreams being reality.

Although honestly, you could swap out the word business for something else. House Intensive aka “Spring Cleaning”. What ever it is that is sorely needed to be done, taking the time, effort, and discipline to see it through is never wasted. Seeing progress in your work brings satisfaction and fuel to your life.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.