
Pressing in. Being still. Going Forward always. Courage. A word used almost without a thought. A word almost used flippantly. Yet…she stands in the face of time no matter how its used today. A sacrifice on my part to do against my feelings and comfort to rise above and do what. is. right. To stand, […]

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Rise Up

Beauty in who you are Dear heart…take in the beauty that is yours. Own the beauty that is yours, only yours. The gifts that you have…walk in them. The talents you have been given…don’t let them die. Rise up and do what is yours to do. We have visions of us being strong and brave. […]

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A young girl wearing a white jacket and denim skit walking down a side walk.

Exploring something…

new or old…traveling or creating There is something about exploring that can thrill a heart. It’s a challenge for sure. One that really doesn’t have a specific way of doing something except having an open mind. THere’s not a set of agenda per say of HOW to do something when it comes to seeing something […]

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Proms at the Library Park

The perfect place for the senior prom photos. May is a time for proms, graduations, and …you’ve guessed it photoshoots! This particular prom photoshoot, is one I had so much fun with.One of my favorite places to go is the library. This particular photoshoot happened to be at a park adjutant to the Library. I […]

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Spring has come

A new beginning when staying the course Wherever you are, wherever you come from there’s a season in your life that you just have to get to the nitty gritty of things. For me it’s easy to begin…its the staying the course when the going gets rough. Having the courage to stay disciplined of making […]

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Aftermath of Destruction

The storm that change my perspective It never quite seems real when you see on the news what a gust of wind and debris can do in a matter of minutes. Even when you hear the stories third handed, sometimes there is a diconnect. At least there was for me. It was supposed to be […]

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Celebration March 8

Celebrating International Women’s Day The Nurse The cries of a baby pierces through the NICU, despite the many hours already put in you can’t help but feel a stirring in your heart for this little one. Once more you check the vitals before you check on the others relieved to see things well on their […]

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Limitations Creating Creativity

Recently, I picked up a book of one of my favorite photographer/ authors Chris Orwig,  Visual Poetry. Through his book I am rediscovering once again my passion for photography. I am a firm believer that every writer, artist, and creative beings need to be reminded why they are creating  and what they do. Go back, if you […]

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