A photographer, hair stylist, a writer, a homebody with a deep love for travel. An invert person often mistaken for extravert guess that makes me an ambivert?
Being deaf in my right ear and hard of hearing in my left makes life full of adventure. I fully believe there is beauty to be found even in hard circumstance. And in case you are wondering, no I don’t sign (very much) and yes I do very much read lips. I am passionate that people know who they are and that their difficulties while definitely impacts their life doesn’t define who they are.
This blog came to be because I am passionate about photography, hair, travel, and encourage + a side of talking about beauty. Why not combine all of them? And so I delightfully invite you to join me in my musings, wondering, and creativity.
Let’s Reflect Life Together.™
Want to know what I use for my business? Down below are resources that I use. Please know that if you sign up with one or all of these, I do get a commission on these. But these are worth checking into at the very least.