Celebration March 8

Celebrating International Women’s Day The Nurse The cries of a baby pierces through the NICU, despite the many hours already put in you can’t help but feel a stirring in your heart for this little one. Once more you check the vitals before you check on the others relieved to see things well on their […]

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Limitations Creating Creativity

Recently, I picked up a book of one of my favorite photographer/ authors Chris Orwig,  Visual Poetry. Through his book I am rediscovering once again my passion for photography. I am a firm believer that every writer, artist, and creative beings need to be reminded why they are creating  and what they do. Go back, if you […]

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When No becomes a strength

There comes a point in your life where all the no’s just comes to the point of where you have to make a decision. You have to decide to cave in to the No’s and there are times that it is wise to do so. But there also comes a time that you need to […]

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