Setting Boundaries are important
Life gets busy at least for me. But in the midst of the beautiful messiness of life I am trying hard to make time for relationship and things that truly matters. […]
Reflections is quite simply a journal blog of my thoughts. Where Being real Fridays and Beautiful Mondays come together. Podcast audio and transcripts can also be found in Reflections as well.
Life gets busy at least for me. But in the midst of the beautiful messiness of life I am trying hard to make time for relationship and things that truly matters. […]
In a world where real is not truly real. I wanted to start Being Real Friday with sharing an incredible encouraging and yet thought provoking post on being authentic. It is one that I hope that you will greatly enjoy. While this particular piece was not written on her blog, Sheila is one to visit. Her blog […]
This past Thursday, there was an incredible Wedding Experience hosted by Historic Southern Railway Station and coordinated by Always Yours Occasions, LLC. This open house allowed potential couples to experience first hand the behind the scenes of a wedding. From the flowers, hair, make-up, photography, catering, venue, wedding management, and ect. there almost every single […]
Here’s a toast to you all. May you find something on this night and tomorrow that blesses you. May there be a happiness that touches your soul and leave you breathless at the thought of bliss. Time never stands still, or rarely does. Moments that take your breath away can never be relived. Traditions […]
[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very day advice pours in. Subliminal messaging bombards our everyday thinking. The urg to give advice (though receiving is often another whole matter) runs rampaged. One such advice and I think it’s a good one to work towards is schedule blogging and also social media. But honestly? That isn’t my forté. I admit though I […]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he time grows closure to thanksgiving. I can hardly believe it. For many thanksgiving marks the day of giving thanks and that’s true. But it also marks new beginnings. Sometimes we’ve waited for years for our prayers to be answered. Sometimes they’re never answered. Then there are the times that prayers are answered in ways […]
Seasons…different seasons, they come and go. There are time that the seasons seems to be nice and smooth as if the world sails by in a bright almost whimsical way. Happiness joins with merry measure with peace and harmony. Times like this are few. And often they come when we leapt off a cliff of […]
[dropcap]’T[/dropcap]was alright when family gathered together. As if the world for a little while beamed a bit brighter. The roses smelled sweeter and the green grass greener. The sun shone more brilliant and the wind kissed softly on our cheeks and played with our hair. Laughter bounded out the door greeting anyone who passed by. […]
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ometimes it’s hard to find beautiful things on a Monday When you’re in the midst of things, it’d very easy to lose perspective. It is even easier to get overwhelmed when it’s a going back to work day. There tends to be only a billion millions things that demand your attention. Somehow and I don’t […]
Okay so Paris, London, and Scotland will still have to wait. I want to tell you of Italy. We arrived yesterday. Today we’ve rested and slept….and worked. Tomorrow night we feast on Pizza and wine in Italy!!! Go into the circle of town and sightsee to our hearts content. Our place is up […]