Okinawa Zoo

It was a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon when we finally made it to the zoo. One thing about Okinawa zoo is like all the other zoos is that they’re outdoors. There always two plans: indoor plan and the outdoor plan. Island life is all about being outdoors. Therefore, so there’s not as much available […]

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History Of Okinawa

While it is true every country have their museums, it’s not very often that we get a tour offered by someone who was born locally. We got to tour an all japanese history museum. One that told history of everyday living, how one ate, lived, and worked. It was a gift that our friend was […]

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Steps of ninety-nine. That’s how much the circular spiral staircase steep steps were going around to the top of the lighthouse. The metal clanged as we hoisted our knees upwards. If anyone wanted cardio this was it. No need for the gym, traversing the steps were enough. By the time we were feeling the burn […]

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