For a long time my family focused on making more of making Christmas memories and having outings than actual Christmas gifts. From time to time it might be one large family gift and stockings or simply just the stockings. Ironically…the stockings were often our favorite gifting we’d get.
Every other year or two we’d get Dollywood Passes especially when we didn’t have time to do vacations. It would usually end up being our Christmas memories of getting hot chocolate (often we brought our own food both for cost and for allergies reasons. But the drinks they’re a splurge especially for Christmas seasons.), bundle up and always without fail we’d ride the carousel or ride the cars.
If Dollywood wasn’t that year, we’d go to plays or find something that we all wanted to do. It is on my bucket list to visit the Biltmore Estate during Christmas. Of all the palaces I’ve ever visited which is officially more than I can count- to my memories Baltimore is my favorite ( although I did love Versailles but more for the garden of the world and that was in winter!) By the way because I’m a business I must state this…Dollywood and Biltmore Estate are mentioned because I like them and they’re near me. No other reason, I gain nothing other being pleased if you have gone or might be inspired to visit.
Making intentional Christmas memories is a gift in of itself.

Scott Hamilton, an ice-skater, was one I grew up watching. My family would gather ’round the tv, have some sweets, and usually a fire would burn in the fireplace and we’d be cheering him on. Having the honor to see him in person one year was and still is my favorite memory. That was our Christmas gift and still to this day I’d do it again in a heart beat. It was something to see from Tv and Disney on Ice to the real person. As thankful was I having capabilities to watch via television nothing compared to the seeing skater himself live.
Another year we went to the Grand Cannon (granted it was in January), but exploring it with my family was in every-way one I love. Ironically, my favorite part was having a snowball fight. We might do expesnive things from time to time…but it always comes back to the simple things.
Simple is often the backbone of great gifts.
You don’t have to have expensive trips nor fancy gifts. Most often the bests ones are intentionally taking time with family. Christmas memories are best made with people we cherish and love. Think outside the box…might be surprised what becomes your favorite Christmas memory.