Phone Number
Email Address
P.O. Box 32325 Knoxville TN 37930
Founder & Owner
Christina Damron
A Photographer, Hair•Stylist, & Educator
If you can believe it- I'm both a homebody AND an eager traveller. I thrive on exploring new places, making connections, and having you along is such a gift. Ever the photographer, writer, and hairstylist it has taken me •years• to figure out how to roll everything into one business. Not for the faint of heart, but I've never been one to go downstream when there's rewards for going upstream.
For this inverted photographer with an intense love for people one of the greatest challenges ironically is to show her photographs...the next hardest is to go live. Both are in work in progress. Speaking of progress I'm working on a series called "The Lives of Women". A black and white series of photographs of women across the globe living life, working, and loving others. This series has been such sweet joy and I hope to display her again in fall of 2025. In the meantime, if you know of a woman whom you know touches lives and she's willing to be photograph...please get in touch with me.
Because I don't ever do things like a business woman should, I thought I'd give you a roadmap in case you get lost. You've got:
➳ Reflections By Christina: all the stories and photographs reflected by me.
➳ Gallery• Shoppe: Art for your walls. Encouragements for your heart. Fine art and travel photographs.
➳ Courses: Learn, Grow, and Do (also where my fav: Hello Camera Academy resides)
➳ Your Visual Scribe: The place to visit, download, and preview photographs
➳ Beauty in the Midst of Chaos: Cultivating, Exploring, & Creating Beauty in everyday life despite Chaos. Practical tips and encouragements for the heart and soul.
Some Love
“Creating Beautiful Stories takes time, it is intentional, and most of all it is shared. “Christina Damron.
Let's Reflect Life Together.™
Every Person Needs to Know They Have Value
Reflecting Life in You Via Photography & Hair
My Dear Reader,
I know we may not have met in person, but through this screen we have. If you gain nothing else from scrolling up and down this screen, I want you to know that you matter You see, I believe there is great power in beauty and in knowing you who are, and perhaps even more importantly, whose you are. Beauty, whether expressed in childlike joy or emerging from adversity, evokes emotion and inspires passion. Passion offers us a chance to make a difference, even one as simple as putting a smile on someone else’s face. My desire for you is that you know that you are worth KNOWING, you are loved, you are wanted, and you are worth surrounding yourself with beauty.
So no matter whether you find beauty in words or photographs, no matter how simple or elegant your hairstyle is…just know that you are worth it.