Pressing in. Being still. Going Forward always.

Courage. A word used almost without a thought. A word almost used flippantly. Yet…she stands in the face of time no matter how its used today. A sacrifice on my part to do against my feelings and comfort to rise above and do what. is. right. To stand, be still, and to go forward always.
In essence, this word means:
The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
‘she called on all her courage to face the ordeal’
1.1 Strength in the face of pain or grief. ‘he fought his illness with great courage’Phrases
have the courage of one’s convictions
Act on one’s beliefs despite danger or disapproval.pluck up (or screw up or take) courage
Oxford Dictionary
Make an effort to do something that frightens one.
take one’s courage in both hands
Nerve oneself to do something that frightens one.
For the most part, it is within the deepest part of ourselves that is most valuable. The volubility that in spite of ourselves we fight fear with faith. Having courage to fight emotional responses with a clear mind and deep intense desire to set wrong right. The difference lies in choosing to deliberately making a choice despite raging emotions to do what needs to be done. But in order to so we must press in, dig deep in the word of God, surrender to Him, be still within, and go forward as He leads. Courage from Him turns into boldness like nothing else will.