October is officially here and hard to believe. My list for reading has grown and seems like never ending. Time seems to speed up and I’m still learning to take those small moment of beauty. Fall is my very favorite season…it is a segway into winter where families tend to gather more because of the holidays. Something new is in the air.
However, I also confess it’s a crazy busy time of year. This year is no different. One of the things I’ve been thinking is putting together is an online course in photography. While I’ve taught before in small snippets its one thing to do it in person its another to do it online. However, life is a grand adventure and to photograph it reminds us of its stories.

Permit me, if you don’t mind, to pick your brains for advice.
In case I didn’t thank you enough, thank you thank you! This past month heading into fall I’ve been talking of exploring new things. Gotten me excited about possibilities- but I also know timing is everything. Although…cough with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up having a good handle on photography isn’t a bad thing right? lol. I’ll put up my curious mind for now.
On a different note, I’ve been exploring different ways of coffee and making coffee. Got my first taste of Areopress even got to learn how to make it. Please…no tests just yet! lol. Still I’ve decided as long as the coffee is good I’m happy.
In the beginning I’ve mention reading. I’ve got quite a few books that I’m reading. One I’ve finished and re-reading because I enjoy the series. The other two are in the middle of and haven’t finished. The first one is purely for relaxation- The Mitford Series By Jan Karon. Good, wholesome, fictional, and life changing all wrap in a pretty book. The other two, is the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris and the Other is Authentic Portraits By Chris Orwig.
Confession, it is on my bucket list within the next two weeks to have a campfire and curl up with a book. While I don’t know if the campfire will happen I can probably do the fire in the fireplace and read. What’s on your agenda for relaxing this weekend?