Well. I have decided to accept the challenge of posting a photograph a day. The photographs I hope will encourage you to think of Valentine day perhaps in a new way.
Ever since I was little I have loved letters. Mom would slip in little notes in my overnight bags if I were ever gone for more than a couple of nights in a row. It became tradition to put these little notes in lunches or overnight bags on occasions.
Valentine was especially huge. I am sad not to be able to personally hand write notes to my family and friends. But when distance prevents the Internet provides (in most cases). Every Valentine card I have ever received as well as every letter written are stored away. Someday when I am in my own home I will have a wall covered with letters and cards rotating them out for the seasons.
Though I write for Valentine day photography challenge, compiling words for encouragement doesn’t have to be just for that day. Almost everyday I think of someone I know. In my mind I write encouraging words hoping to send to them. To this date I am still working on an email I had started last week, since emailing is the only way to get in touch.
Take time to write whether by hand or electronic to someone. Encourage them. Bid your tongue to speak lovingly and honestly. Encouragement without honesty is like a brick without weight. There is nothing to hold down your words without sincere affection.
Just before we left, my sister and I had a birthday card for one of my aunts. Unfortunately, we forgot to give it her. By the time we come home it will be a few months before her birthday. Her card would have traveled the world just to come back to her. Now- that is some birthday card. And you know what? I plan on doing the same for another card that I write encouraging thoughts in every country that we visit. It would make for a neat gift.
Do you have any writing traditions? Some of my friends handcraft their cards. Do you do the same? Perhaps though you might be like me in getting card and writing a personal note. What are some of your favorite ways of writing- printing, letter drawing, cursive, and/or calligraphy?