The gift of the overflowing fountain of water

In a park a fountain of water had a broken button cause water to sprout forth. Then…it wouldn’t shut off and overflowed to the drain below. A sip from the fountain of water proved be refreshing water from a parched throat. The abundance of overflow made me think.


It is from the overflow and willingness to share that we can use the gifts given to us to encourage & strengthen.

Available in Gallery + Shop in Fine Art Prints & Canvases

The fountain of water that overflows fascinates me. Splashing of sound halts me on my trek. Pulling out the camera I photographed knowing there was a something to it…but what it was I didn’t know until today. Truth be told…there’s usually multiple meanings to my fine art, and they will mean something different to you.

Behind each one of the art is a message.

This one…I want for you to think of what it means personally to you. Story behind every art piece can’t come alive for you until it resonates with you. I’ll not lie one of my favorite things to do is to tell the stories behind the piece and the messages along with theme. You see every significant piece an artist ever creates is out of overflow of something. What they put in, the thoughts behind them should be a fountain of water so to speak that conveys a message whether obvious or hidden. A hint of the many things of this art piece can mean…

God’s Kingdom is a place of abundance where every generous act overflows its original bounds and becomes part of the unbounded grace of God at work in the world.

Henri Nouwen

The Fountain of Water is available in Gallery + Shop in Fine Art Prints starting from size 8×10 and up & large Canvases.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.