It never fails. A sunset taking my breath away. Always, I want to pause. For 60 mins at least, if not more, I’ll watch mesmerized. There’s -to me- hardly any greater beautiful. The pink clouds encased with fog with a lowering of sun. There’s a settling for the night when a sunset comes showing her glory. Always in that moment, the glory of a sunset seems to have a reverent hush and the world for a few rare second seems well.

One of the spaces we are creating is an outdoor space. I hadn’t realize until recently how much I truly love the outdoors. The natural light is a must. I remembered when I was looking for job right out high school one of the biggest thing Is always looked for were the windows. Ironically- my first photography job was in a studio…no where near any natural light. When I wasn’t photographing I hated the natural lack of light.
I think it’s safe to say I am a “light” girl. Always have been attracted to different types of light, shadows, and reflective things. I love the contrasts of different lights together. However, nothing beats a good sunset light…other than dawn.
Light Matters
The kind of light used, the light let in. They make a difference. They set a tone. I’ve never been one for a quick strobe lightings (the kind used in theatrics or concerts) always got a headache afterwards (though truth be told it was mostly the combo of lighting and insane loudness of music). But the light that came through the windows? The light from the stars? Candle light? Yes. Thousand times…yes.
My friend, I am convinced one of the perfect ways to start winding down is watching a sunset…or fireflies. Have you noticed how more frequently they seem to be? Bolder, softer too, and the colors stretches across sky sweetly ushering the moon and stars. These past few months I’ve made time watching out for the sunsets and I think my friend…I’ve been better off for the watching. Yes, the glory of a sunset is worth waiting for.