January has come to a close. It is hard to believe that. It feels like yesterday it was the first week. This year has gotten off to interesting start already. My January (February) Resolutions have taken time to consider. There’s two resolutions groups I’m going to share with you.

The first is what I wish would truly happen. The second is what will  happen to the best of my abilities.

My wish list

  1. Always be thankful and to wake up with a smile on my face.
  2. Always have the house clean and kept clean
  3. Everything is organized so when my friends spontaneous shows up I can let go and have fun. (I know I know that’s ironic in light of whats going on, but it NOT going to be forever).
  4. My dog is extremely well behave and trained.
  5. Exercise daily. Yes, I’m well aware I’m skinny, but being skinny doesn’t mine I am in shape. It just means I’m skinny. And always take my vitamins like I’m supposed to.
  6. Journal everyday
  7. Do something Creative everyday
  8. Have my alone time every single day.
  9. 3 meals cooked everyday and homemade dessert on weekends
  10. I know when to say no and when to say yes
  11. Rolling with the different plans, from going to plan A to plan Y…yet when I need to stand with the plan I do.
  12. My business, social life, and jobs are scheduled and I actually “do the things on the list
  13. Go full time in my business
  14. Simplified

However, let’s be real here.

Resolutions won’t happen without actionable plans. Sometimes that takes sweat, planning, and money ( along with some tears thrown in there for good measures). Hey, this is Friday I best be real.

1. Waking up with a smile on my face is probably not going to happen, I am not a morning person. But after coffee? You bet. It’s the perfect time to have my intentional alone time…without phones, but with coffee? Yes, please.

2. This year we have plans to have the large part of the house organized and our gardens put in.

3. For the past 3 years I’ve worked very hard on my dog’s training. I want to keep it up- it makes everyone happier. He gets loads of doggie treats to boot.

5. Keeping up my 5 times a week exercising that I’ve been building for 2+ years. Drinking that water, taking the vitamins and if I want that nap snooze away. In continuing to take care of my body, I can do my dreams. You’d be surprise how much photographing or doing updos can take it out of you if you’re not mentally, and physically capable.

6. Adding back in journaling no matter how little or how much I’ve noticed helps me think and processed. My only rule is that I end positively.

7. This one is rough for me doing something creativity everyday. After thoughts- if I can do something 3-4 times a week then darling I’m doing well. I’ve particularly have decided to look at my editing photos as a creative outlet. What a difference a mind shift of perspective can make.

8. Go as full time as I can in my business. Having 4-5 jobs to pay the bills isn’t paying off. It’s waring on my health, relationships, and time. There are specific steps I am taking to get there. One of them is to continue to expand my Gallery +Shop beyond online boarders.

Biggest Resolution

Simplifying– well this one is the hardest of all. If you have any tips…let me know. It would be greatly appreciated. I think the words “No.” “Yes” and “realistically” is among the tips. I don’t want to say I want to be Simplified, I actually want to put the work in. However, while it’s hard, it is rewarding work.

That my dear readers, if I haven’t lost you with my ramblings along the way, is what I am aiming for. I just may keep the end of January resolutions going. Consequently, I have time to think on the how, what, and when of my goals in accomplishing them.
