There’s only a handful of times that I can recall of going to the aquarium. Every time I visit, I love it. The underwater world has long held my attention. So much so there was a period of time I considered become a marine photographer, and also marine biologist. But truthfully? As much as I love under water life, I don’t want to devote my whole life to it. I’d much rather photograph people, travel, and fine art. However, I wouldn’t mind photographing every now and then the aquatic life. Currently, I am studying Jellyfish.

Clearish purplish jellyfishes floating in the blue water.

Believe it or not as beautiful as jelly fishes are…they make me more nervous than sharks. Seems like statically one would be more likely to be stung by one than bitten by a shark. Fun fact…as a kid I LOVED sharks. I read books upon books of sharks. I could quote multiple facts about them. Begged mom for a shark and cough…she agreed…to a shark fish. I’m still waiting years later by the way.

The study of Selachimorpha was fascinating to me mostly because so many people were terrified. One of my happiest places to be is at the aquarium petting sharks and sting(less) rays. Much to the dismay of my sister I’d gaze for hours simply lost in watching the life swimming above.

“It’s A whole new world.” Aladden

Ironically no…I’ve never actually watched the movie and I’m hoping I didn’t just quote a bad one. But I do like most songs sung those types of movies. Anyways back to the point- that’s literally what it feels like to me. A new world where so much is unexplored. It’s the one thing that I will watch of my own choice documentary on is watching underwater photograph talk of their life work.

Jellyfish has started to come into more a study because the last beach vacay a year ago we came into a lot of jellyfishes in the water. Sharks don’t bother me (if you think I’m going to swim with one…well it depends on how brave/stupid I want to be that day)….jelly fish (and crabs) do. Also barracudas- I was grateful the one I came within yards of left me alone.

Funny enough, my discomfort hasn’t eased up regarding jellyfish. However, the beauty of jellyfishes continue to stun me. Behind glass I can study them for hours … or if I’m out of the ocean.

Sometimes nervousness or fear can actually inspire curiosity, sometimes on occasion passion.

If you are like me and you love the underwater world. I’ve taken liberty of looking up aquariums during this time that do LIVE feed. First up…jellyfishes– just because. I’d be remised if I didn’t put one on sharks. If you’re not much of a fan of that type of world…then here’s some otters and penguin —> this video is from my beloved aquarium in the Smokies.



Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.