Steps of ninety-nine. That’s how much the circular spiral staircase steep steps were going around to the top of the lighthouse. The metal clanged as we hoisted our knees upwards. If anyone wanted cardio this was it. No need for the gym, traversing the steps were enough. By the time we were feeling the burn on our legs we came across this.

News flash we made it half way up….according to the photo
Some more clanging of the steps. The way to the top of lighthouse illuminated only by fluorescent square panels. The windowless tower both a blessing and a feeling of enclosement. One because there were no way to tell how highly you were for those afraid of heights…another because you don’t know how far you are. Some more knee high steps and huffing. Until finally we see…
We were 2/3 of the way up the lighthouse.

At least there was a sense of humor about it. There were more climbing. Hark…there’s light at the end of the vertical tower….and a ladder. The kind of ladder found on ships mind you. You did great you wore pants…your travel partner on the other hand did not think through her fashion choices. She wore a skirt. Upwards the the decisions was anyways …a mere seven ladder steps into the blue sky.
Top of Lighthouse
As you stepped out of the lighthouse you were greeted with sunshine and wind. As the gusts of wind danced with your hair your eyes adjusted to the unspeakable beauty of mountains, rocks, and sea. Where the locals of divers, fishmen, and those who simply came for leisure came to reside for hours. It may be a tourist attraction, but it is also where locals hang out. Aside from an ice cream served out of an old bus there is no gift shop or any other attraction other than historic walks of the man who discovered Okinawa and oh yah the lighthouse. To describe the beauty of what we saw up there can not do its justice. Therefore enjoy the photos.

One final thing that we discovered near the lighthouse was the statue of the man who helped Okinawa be who she is. Your photographer failed to grab a photo. It’s an interesting fact that you can discovered about Sho Hashi who helped established Okinawa as a kingdom and the ruins of one of many gusuku which was similar to a defensive military fort. Okinawa is full of history as it is traditions that is still practice at least in some way today.
We finished the day by eating Okinawa’s soft ice cream…and loved every bit of it. Not too sweet, a little crunchy, and a perfect way of finishing our holiday.