The children here in Romania are beautiful. Everyday since I’ve arrived except for today I’ve held a child in my arms. It’s amazing. Is this what fathers and mothers feel? A love that is unfailing. Simply a love that is given out a precious gift if we would only stand still and see. I had forgotten the simplicity of love that joy brings forth.
My job last week was mostly just loving on kids and photographing them. I’ve seen many fear stopping love, making it paralyzed in its track. We are so worried about doing wrong and being sued that our kids suffer…or we’re just plain lazy.In general, I have seen parents put their kids in front of TV, playing videogames, or hand them a phone…because they have too much to do to entertain them. Children don’t have phones, they have sticks. They do have TVs buts its news or Spanish soap operas…no joke. Games with missing pieces and they simply use their creativity. Here people chase, tickle, swat, and swing the kids around. Adults grabs a kid that is out of line and do not hesitate to give a stern discipline if needed. For a moment tears erupt and then they meekly ponder on what happened. The adults take time to explain why it was wrong and not letting the kid “sort” it out. Moments later they are playing and smiling wide as if nothing had happened. Kids as little as 2-3 years old know how to follow directions. They are not dumb down. If directions are not followed, then disciplined is handed out accordingly.
The thing is the ones who disciplines the kids are the ones who play with them most. The kids cling to them- admiration, respect spilling out. I have never seen a 2-3 year olds march holding their friends hands in line smoothly and without screaming bloody murder. They are 100% children who know to obey authority. They laugh and they play, they vied for attention, they make messes, they make you want to tear your hair out, they make your heart melt, and somehow as surely as the sun sets every night they made a way into hearts which used to hold walls. The fondest memories were the simple ones, usually time with someone who loves you. Being here in Romania made me realized I don’t need much to make a world, a world living life to the brim.