Recently I have begun again to read regarding photography. I believe there is something about reading that inspires and instills within us helping along the love of learning. . One of the titles is the manual. Why the manual? Well I like to call it “The Camera’s Map” aka the manual. But I think the my title suits it better. It has details specific to the model of camera being used and a great foundation to build on knowing your camera.
I believe that reading the camera’s map helps me capture memorable moments. It was learned the hard way that I should have read the manual especially regarding my lens. The photographs that I had taken on one occasions would have been a better experience for me had I known a tiny, little detail. I have also found writing in it, making personal little notes. Or rewriting in my own words to better understand. So spending a couple of hours- or a week just reading about your camera’s does and don’ts really honestly pays off. I promise.
Here’s a tip when I started out a long time ago…
By the way if you have an fx lens be sure to go into your menu to double-check the settings. Trust me. Read the book. Its sweet and simple to double-check and you do not have to worry about cropped edges nearly as much…unless you do have a dx. Then your edges are not as wide as a fx. A dx lens has a crop factor of 1.5x according to the Photography Life ‘s website. I would definitely recommend reading this post and also compare it to others.
How grateful am I for my manual cough I mean Camera’s map. It is a treasure…that and I read it when I can not fall asleep. Shhhh. It’s a little secrete one that works in knowing how a camera works and for falling asleep.