As per to the traditions that my short life has allowed, I hung out with friend on this amazing day. You see I have Valentine(s). My family and friends are my valentines. It spent usually ice skating or a game night. Most of the time it is a game night. Today was both.
For the first time, I ice skated in the open air. In the 2nd largest skating rink in the world I have been told, I skated on the prettiest rental skates. My friends whizzed by me as I struggled on the thin sharp blades rusty. We managed to bring cookies, sugar cookies usually a traditional favorite for this holiday, to which everyone greatly enjoyed.
The rink was outlined in massive buildings. Beautiful curved columns and golden statues glittered and shone in the afternoon light. Music at the right timing and temp gave way to beautiful rhythm of skating.
We retired afterwards and played a game. Actually we conversed for about an hour and a half. Then played the game of Sorry. It was an amazing day.
I ended the night by baking brownies. Our flat smells delicious reminding me of one thing that would complete the day-Chocolate. Alas it will have to wait another day.
My curiosity wants to know how did you spend your valentine? Was it with your family and friends? Or did you have a chance to spend it with your beautiful special someone? However, you spent it I hope it was one of your best ones yet.