Yep. That is my workspace. Don’t even pay attention to my dinner on top of my books. Okay perhaps I should not have pointed that out. Books piling on top of each other and somewhat spilling to the floor. This is real world behind the scenes of a starting a business.
Tonight, I am catching up on a week and half worth of work. Sigh. Many people have sick. Me? I’ve just felt blah. Have you have felt well blah? You’re not sick, but you are certainly not well. Where you lay on the couch trying to get some energy, read a little, watch a little, and end up falling asleep. You exercise, you clean, and you jump up and down like a jack rabbit? No? Well…that was me aaaaallll last week. Yesterday was that last straw. I couldn’t even attempt to keep my eyes open. My body won. I slept (cough) until 11- had lunch- fell back to sleep-had dinner-and you catch my drift. Would it surprise you that I woke up at 11:30 pm and didn’t go back to sleep until 1:30 am? I enjoyed my little cat nap. Why they do call it cat naps? Cats sleep for loooonnnnnngggg periods of time. I would know-I have one. Then they loom around at night, meowing, and doing cat stuff. Then they awake you by rubbing or hitting your head with their own insisting you pet them. Thanks dad for letting him in. Lol. Seriously, I do love my cat and he is a charmer. And when I say charmer I mean CHHHHHARRRMER. That cat has got me wrapped around his little paws quicker than you can say Happy Valentine day!
How do I always seem to somehow get off topic? From workspace to cats? That’s a change.
I’ve moved my office to my room. Strangely enough I absolutely love it. It is relaxing to me. If I have an idea-I run to the computer. Photography research-room! But it isn’t going to last long. I need a real office. Not that my room doesn’t count. But I need more room to spread out. To write, to think- to muse and create. My room is for retreating, resting, relaxing, refreshing, renewalness and I ran out of rs.
Right now the desk in the office is perfect as far as size. But it’s a little beat up, okay a lot beat up. I’ve gotten a couple of splinters and there are no drawers. I am trying to decide if I want to paint it and install a shelf to make a “filing” cabinet. Or wait and get a better desk. Truth of the matter is, I don’t have the money for any. So I’ll sand down the rough spots, install the shelf, and move on.
The funny thing about photographers, though we tend to charge an arm and a leg- very little money actually goes to us. But we are happy, doing what we love. Being passionate and creating, living, seeing the world around us. I would rather be poor and do something I love than work a job that pays a lot that I can’t stand. It sucks the life out like a vacuum cleaner. I am convinced that we are not made to live life doing something we can’t stand. To do enough just to get by. Sometimes its hard and sometimes its the season. There are times literally its all you can do just to get by. But don’t live that way forever. Take time to smell the roses, look up at the clouds, hear the children laughing, listen to the stories that people tell, bake, cook a meal for another family, send a letter to a distant cousin, laugh with your friends, learn to knit, get a little paint on your nose, have that water balloon fight, do tug-a-war over chocolate pudding, hug your love ones and tell them you love them. Life is far too short, oh far short not to “make every day a story worth telling“.
Take a deep breath. And release.
This is your story, the question is how are you going to write it?