Perhaps its my unfinished (but been doing it ten years) graphic design major within me, but color meanings and symbolism is fascinating to me. It matters the unspoken words of color…and flowers. For example if someone knows language of flowers: orange tulips is to convoy understanding and appreciation (usually in a relationship). Fun fact the color (dark) teal is my favorite color symbolizes tranquility and open communication and deep blue associates with  importance, confidence, power, and authority. Since colors fascinate me I thought I’d look what Red in Christmas has come to mean.

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What does the color Red of Christmas mean?

The color red is used at Christmas to represent the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross. It’s also reflected in the color of holly berries, which also had symbolism during the winter solstice celebrations in ancient Rome.

Google and graphic design books of color

By the way even though I quoted the first thing on the page I read roughly 10 links. Fascinating reads.

Branding colors matters….a lot which is why I spent time studying my brands colors making sure I said what I wanted my business to represent. Remember…graphic designer in me. When I say reflections what are the top four things that pop into your mind…I’d wager water, blue, clear, and probably mirrors. There’s several other things that might have come to your mind- but it would likely be similar. That’s why symbolism of colors is a fascination….some would call it color theory, color psychology, or colorimetry, .

But even though colors fascinate me – I try to be careful of how much I get into it. There is such a thing as overboard. Sometimes its simply nice to like something and not go into why I “feel” this why or what does it mean. But if you’re trying to create a peaceful environment….chances are loud colors aren’t going to cut it.

Photography and color is a handy tool to know how to use.

Even black in white photography there are the hues and saturations to contend with. Color is important in the works of photographer. Matters just as much as texture as the context in how it is being photograph as the why. I get excited working with nature, or things that are heavy on aspects of beautiful colors and textures such as abstracts and flowers. There’s something beautiful about a print work hanging or holding a card in your hands when its full of emotions plays across the paper or screen. Nothing compares to the real world, but having a physical way to record the moment is a gift.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.