Most of us of have heard the poem by Robert Frost “The Road Less Traveled by.” It is one that I learnt when I was barely in high-school and for some reason I haven’t forgotten it. Often one that I remember in the oddest of times and it brings me comfort.

Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
These days one of my favorites things to do is explore my state by car. Seriously. I’ve lived here for almost twenty- one years and realized I haven’t really explored TN like I should. So I’ve started to read maps…actual maps. Yes, the paper kind combine with my GPS. Speaking of maps I should probably get it back into my car. Technology isn’t going away…but that’s doesn’t mean I always have access to data to pull up what is needed. More and more I find myself going back to analog and chasing it alongside digital. In so many ways the Digital lifestyle has made life easier…but in so many ways it has robbed me in the simple beauty of living. I’ve learned that sometimes technology makes time seem to go faster instead of slower and YET I’ve learned that technology also helps in so many ways that in years past would have been lovely.
Why take the road less traveled?
I take the road less travel by because I…can, because I often desire it. Sometimes I use my GPS, or the map on my screen, and sometimes I use a paper one in case. No regrets. Sometimes taking the road less travel is a shortcut …sometimes not. But if I’m not willing to slow down regardless of the methods I use to get there then I’ll be missing out on a lot.
These days are full to the brim. Sometimes taking the road travel is literally just that getting in the car and “loosing” myself in Knoxville with the windows rolled down listening to country music. Other times it’s in the cleaning and the mundane business details way into the night because I realized time is too short not to smell the roses with those I love.
Beauty always trumps despair every-time.
Life is messy and always will be but if looked hard enough there’s beauty. Sometimes the definition of beauty is different, but it’s still taking the kind of time of making daily life beautiful. I’m learning to enjoy my own beauty making- what’s beautiful to me isn’t always so to others. That’s okay. I can appreciate their beauty making and love on my own. That’s respect and that’s being inspired by community to build something together.
For example,I love different clothing styles but I’m straight up classical. Not boring…but refined and easy to mix and match on the go(and easy to pack because I LOVE traveling). My sister on the other hand loves the off shoulders, really cool pieces of clothing – that fits her to a tea and I love that for her. I used to feel as if I was boring until I looked at my clothes and thought I like the way I dress its for me, my style, and it shows me off in a way that I feel beautiful and respected. Mind you I do love a good pair of sweats now and then. It’s a silly example but that’s one I could think of on top of my head.
My friend what is your road that you’ve choose the less traveled on?
Everyone’s road is a bit different even when we meet up and walk together. There’s still a portion that only you and I can travel even with someone walking besides you. After all, I am the only who can choose to look at my road and find beauty and my friend that’s the same for you.