Down on my knees, easily slowly to my elbows I moved very very slowly. Raising my camera to my eyes I waited. I watch through the lens at the scene availing before me. Watching birds in the water is one that can capture attention in their playing. The sparrows in the creek was a happy occasions.

Sometimes when I photograph I observe the scene through the lens of the camera. It allows me to “become” part of the scene for the the subjects of whatever I am photograph to feel more at ease. Sometimes being patient then quick as a flash pays off. Being willing to take in the story and try to showcase it as a whole without words allows can create amazing art.
Emotions, textures, & colours let us see the world in a different way.
Knowing when to photographs and when to simply enjoy the scene is something that I’m learning. Photographs are a powerful way to preserve real life or to create a memory. They make a space beautiful and tell a story.
Sparrows playing in the creek is a delightful scene. One that I love to remember when I traveled to Washington. Birds are one that are fun in the way that it teaches patience and trust. The reward? Beauty shows itself in the birds activity and are delightful to watch.