Spring is nearly on her way. Winter is passing the torch for the season. Flowers are sprouting up and the blooming as begun. Two of my favorite seasons are spring and fall. I have named this season springs of life because if one looks there’s signs everywhere of something new coming. Every morning, I eagerly look for springs of life. Nearly, every day I am rewarded with beauty. Something to smile at.

You see my home is undergoing what you’d call “Spring Cleaning“. I call it madness. If it was merely deep cleaning, I would be much happier. But nooooo….it’s every room nearly flipped every which way (save for the main level). It has been a long journey one that seems as it will never end. It will. Keep to the tasks little by little remembering the end goal we will surely get there. My question is how many times will we loose the sanity of our minds?

Available in the Gallery-Shop in prints + Canvas

This journey reminds me of Photography of a little bit. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming much. Take a little bit at a time, being humble to learn even from the amateurs, and consistently learning. It’s not only photography, it is learning how to keep your images safe and backed up. What is legally allowed. Budgeting for extra costs like photographing at a venue…or having permits. Being responsible for how you photograph others.

Doing it right in the camera is a fading art form from lighting to adjusting outside the camera. Most rely on photoshop (no bad thing to learn) or a program to correct photos. I have noticed a comeback taking photos like film. Even if you’re much like me where you try hard to get it right…it takes me 20 mins on a very good day, to download, back-up, and upload. Because I do it to correctly back up images and keep organize straight from the beginning. I know the nightmares of my early years of not doing it from the get-go.

Experience is an amazing life teacher.

I always recommend her. But it is also lonely. Sometimes it doesn’t need to be, and having someone alongside you helps you sort out difficulties easier. Whether basics or beyond, a mentor or a friend to talk a sounding board is a good thing. Having a good teacher is like this season spring of life…where things become clear easier.

If you’ve always wanted to learn the basics, I am re-opening Hello Camera Academy soon! Stay tune for a sign up list to know when it’s opening up!


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.