Today we went to the tallest tower in Russia! I am now determined to visit every tower possible in the countries that we visit. Someday I’ll even visit Sans Fresco tower. Our last Russian class was a sight seeing adventure. We listened to a lecture in Russian about the tower. It was explained before hand in english by our tutor who did an excellent job with his limited english.
We went up in an elevator that I swear was the fastest elevator in the world. I had to keep taking slow deep breaths. We were probably in the elevator for 50-60 seconds going up I think 350 floors roughly. I know it was at least in the 300s.
There was a glass floor. To my chagrin, my instructor pulled me before I could even think and promptly stood me on the glass floor. I stared down past my feet into some miles to the ground. My tutor laughed at me. Before you think of him as an ogre, he himself on the glass pulling my sister with him. Together we stared down laughingly at the scene below.
An experience that I will never forget.