Thankfulness is a choice. There it is. In black and white. It. Is. a. choice. But it is also not for just for this week. But all year around, 365 days, 4 seasons (5 if you count football 😂)- for however long we should happen to live- of which I hope will be of long duration. But during the time here, we have an opportunity to change lives and to change ourselves. A key component is simply being thankful.

I’m not saying to be ignorant of horrible situations. We live in a harsh world, that is sadly a fact. But what I am saying is that we can choose to find something even if its small to be thankful. Might be hard to start or perhaps you’ve already begun and you’ve discovered how contiguous it is. A smile starts to grow and you start paying attention to things that you’d perhaps noticed before. At least that is how it is with me.
Not going lie, there are days it feels like pulling teeth to half mutter “I’m so thankful for,” Yet, once I do I find that my day gets a bit brighter and perhaps a little easier. A world outside my narristic view becomes brighter and I notice others both succeeding and choosing to be thankful that they are and the ones having not a good and being thankful that I can at least smile at them. A smile I think is a kin to being thankful.