Photographing birds was never something I set out to do…it was simply one that I photographed naturally. They make me happy. Far too often we don’t photograph something just because it makes us happy. In this case I had looked outside the window as I need a break from the screen and noticed a flash of red. Smiling to myself I saw the Cardinal hop on the mailbox and fancied I could *almost* hear him sing.

The Cardinal has come again; He all the brake salutes;His music floods the silent glen,Oh, hear him, how he flutes!

From tree to tree his scarlet glows;
Such beauty rare he brings,
That all the richness of the rose
Seems lavished on his wings!

Lloyd Mifflin

My bucket list for photographing is ever growing. Someday I’ll photograph the Cardinal birds up close. So close that it seems like you can almost touch it straight on. Someday…that’s my hope.

It’s good to have bucket lists

Keep from being board and having have goals. My bucket list isn’t written down much, but somehow I eventually fulfill a lot of them. Guess maybe because I want to simple live life full of adventures and smiles.

I have photographed Blue Jays up close. They get a bad rap, the rap of being mean. Perhaps they are, but I’ve only seen them as protective over the food from stealing. The ones that hang out on our porch play nicely or keep to themselves.

Birds are curious, chirpy, messy little things (aside from the big ones then they’re messy big things). But I love how they make people happy. They keep me entertain far better than any tv show or movie can. Great conversation starter too- or to simply admire their beauty. Yes, I’m well aware for the gardeners there’s has to be creative solutions for the produce and berries. But still…they usually a welcome guest never the less.

The simplest things are often the ones full of beauty.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.