A dear friend of mine sung this song at his sister’s wedding. It has been one of my favorite songs ever since, I have since heard many versions and Pip’s version is still my favorite. It gravity hit home and changed my perspective what is love. “Love Never Fails” was written by Cates, Chad Robert / Heath, Brandon.
Love is not proud, love does not boast
Love after all matters the most
Love does not run, love does not hide
Love does not keep locked insideLove is a river that flows through
Love never fails youLove will sustain, love will provide
Love will not cease at the end of time
And love will protect, love always hopes
And love still believes when you don’tLove is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails youWhen my heart won’t make a sound
When I can’t turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this, greater than this‘Cause love is right here, love is alive
Love is the way, the truth, the life
Love is the river that flows through
Love is the arms that are holding youAnd love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you
What does this even mean? How does it apply?
Even though this song was most likely written for couples- the truth is this song represents people just loving one another. Love applies to families, friends, and to marriage. It requires faith and it require action. A lip service which just speak and nothing happens is not love. Love doesn’t sit still. Love is messy. Love is hard. Love- is worth it. One of my favorite writers Beth Moore said this:
We love by faith. Faith and love are inseparable housemates that offer hospitality to hope.
Again she wrote:
When we lose our faith to love, we lose the energy to love. Then we lose our hope.

This photograph above this paragraph grabbed me. Someone meant it to be cute, but I learned a lesson from it. Despite the grime of the dirt caked window the two hearts crudely drawn had smiles on their faces. It is in fact that the sludge made it clear that despite the hardship they were happy. But in order to shine despite the gunk, you must remember love is work. Love is thinking outside yourself. A relationship is 100% fold. It isn’t 50%, it is 100%.
What I have written here is based on my own experience. Choices I made to love or walk away. The times I walked away ( excepting in love, even then I loved them from afar and always let them know I was there for them) I lost dearly. The second chances and even the fifth I am so grateful to have. For I am human and I make mistakes. But I do love and I love deeply. Love renders vulnerability to oneself, be wise in how you love.
If you allow someone to take advantage of you by smooth webs of manipulations than you are not acting in love towards them, if you do not stand up. Love is not allowing things to be swept underneath the rug because you want to simply move past it, but neither does it keep bring up the past.
When timing is right and in the right way, bring it up, deal with it, and finish it. We can’t control other people for that isn’t love, but we can take a good hard long look at ourselves. Life is precious and it can be gone tomorrow. If you look back on your relationships today, the people who love you- would you remember the amazing times together or would you regret not spending the time with them, knowing them for who they are?
beautiful. I am so very proud of you.