Thanks for joining me! I hope that we can become friends if nothing else through this screen and through these words. You are most welcome to join me and chime in as we go through life together.
Starting something new usually requires a leap of faith. It’s been a long while since I’ve wanted to simply write. From light hearted subjects to deep talks. There’s endless of subjects of which we could talk of, where we can learn from each other, and have adventures.

While I have no idea whose photograph this is, it came with the blog. It made me happy. It is unlikely I’ll ever share a photograph without knowing the owner’s name of this piece. I wish I did know the photographers name so I could give credit. There’s something about giving a shout out for someone’s workmanship.
Today is a beautiful day. A breeze is coming through and I’m outside sitting in the shade wrapping up my first post for this site. Who knows where this will go? Where ever and however I plan to keep it simple. There’s no agenda other than to write, make new friends, and explore this world of ours.