Raining of beauty of the flowers.

I reached up barely able to touch the yellow petals. Never had I seen such a tree. It was beautiful the rainfalls of yellow. Happiness had swelled up inside of me and I proudly presented to my professors at my college. They hated it.

So I tucked it away for years. Yet, I still loved the image. In my minds eye I could see it enlarged to a 16 x 24 or larger in either color or black & white. It was perfect for an office or a home that loved the feel of nature. It was simple yet not deprived of details. Bringing the outdoors in.

To be honest, while I hadn’t forgotten it by a long shot. I simply hadn’t seen it for years. Tucked away in my portfolio it stayed. When I have a space of my own this one is one I want on my walls if styles allows for it. No doubt it is for the few. I won’t sugar coat it- I know it. However, fine art like this isn’t meant to hide.

Whether or not many love this piece time will tell. But I do. Sometimes that is enough.

Well meaning people can be wrong.

Well meaning people can also be right.

You’re like what the heck do you mean? You’re contradicting yourself. No, my friend I am not. I’ve grown wiser I hope in the 25 years of learning the world of art – 16 of which I’ve been a photographer. There is a period of time in which people are right- but as the time passes by it no longer holds correctly. They failed to see the larger picture no pun intended. I did…but the time wasn’t correct. So I thank them and now have let go of their advice.

That’s the beauty of art. It touches some hearts, stirs emotions, but others while they like it- it does not touch them in the same way. That is okay. I’ve learned not everyone though well meaning understands. Some are too busy to understand. There’s also season for others. Then it just plain no- not feeling it.

Please don’t get the idea that the ones whom I followed advice on were horrible people. They were anything but that. I simply learned life lessons from them. They were honest, moved on, and I learned some don’t see beauty in the same way. I learned that value listening to my gut. Without them I would have perhaps learned it a harder way.

If there an art of beauty that you enjoy. Then that is enough. No apology needed especially if it points to beauty of the Creator.


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.