Sometimes after it storms we have to catch our breathe and step away. In the mornings we rise and start the day. At night with thanksgiving on our lips we can rest our heads. The hard work we haves owned, we have yet to see the fruit. Similarly as to a rose bud, it takes time to reach to its bloom. With roses they thrive when in their proper environments and loved. So do we do the same when day after day we remained faithful to our post. Year after year we continued on with the faith and gumption of hanging on the calling God has given us. Until – one day…
Available in Gallery + Shop in Fine Art Prints & Canvases
No matter how long it takes, whether a few days, a few years, or a few decade- it always worth sowing into what God has called you to do. Every tear will be worth it. The gaiety of laughter will ease and lift life worries. Prayers uttered have been heard and answered…always answered. Perhaps not in the way that we think, perhaps not in the way we want. However, our prayers are always heard and always heard.
Keep Sowing What God Tell You TO:
My friend for the days are both joyous and hard. For that days that are hard makes the days that are joyous makes it all that much more appreciative. If you are seeing a “rose bud” bloom in your life…may it encourage you to encourage others. Though several of us may do the same thing, how we put our hearts into it makes different. Even if it is not quite there, encouraging others however small it may be it is something so beautiful.
“Slow buds the pink dawn like a rose From out night’s gray and cloudy sheath; Softly and still it grows and grows, Petal by petal, leaf by leaf.”
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
Encouragements allow a chance for all of us to grow together. When we give other people a chance to grow as we grow in our own callings and gifting it creates a beautiful community. Before we know it, we inspire ourselves to keep going simply seeing the smiles and laughter as dreams bloom into reality.
The Rose Bud is available in Gallery + Shop in Fine Art Prints starting from size 8×10 and up & large Canvases.