It’s Friday, and today it is raining. I find myself not wanting to work in any manner….nor to create. Instead, I want to drink coffee and stare out the window thinking…absolutely nothing. More than that I wouldn’t mind bing watching all day. Perhaps it’s due to the rain or maybe because I am tired. Regardless, I am working and will later on will knit maybe to a podcast or movie. Sometimes I choose to do the things I do not want to do because I know it will make my tomorrows better. There are no regrets in being proactive…and resting if needed/wanted.

Today has been a slow paced day. I’ve worked hard, but I’ve also taken the morning slowly. Watching shows in the morning, and then having an hour’s lunch break. It helps. In both I’ve been focused, but I also know I’ll probably be working later tonight since I am spreading things out. You know what? That is okay. Days like today come rarely, a savoring the time day. Being aware of priorities and yet allowing myself to in between work- relax.

Part of this year’s goals is to follow through & finish.

Finish my online classes (there are 6). Finish planning out my Social Media for the year. The closet in the office that I’ve been dreading, complete it in small steps. Create that space that was started in the office that I have dreaming of in the office with what I can. Tackle the makeover in my shop and finish the redesign of my website. Step by step do the things I don’t want to do for varies reasons that have been begun. At the same time take a look at what doesn’t need to be finished…and let them go. I’ve decided no more second or third parts to blogs- I don’t follow up. Excepting the ones I’ve already planned out, but they will be rare. Simplifying, setting boundaries, and loving what is mine. The results?


If I want to launch well, then I must finish well. Take you into consideration, my family, and yes even myself. Launching is growing. If I don’t know something then having the courage to do anyways keeps me propelling forward. Is it scary? You bet! Is it worth it. Considering that I’m spending time on it, I believe so. What will happen, time will reveal. Another thing about launching is being consistent where it needs to be. That’s a hard word one that everyone wants everyone else to be but not actually do it themselves. Come on, you know I am right.

Consistent: marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity free from variation or contradiction


Along with finishing, as you may have surmised I am working hard to be consistent. Which leads to being consistent with what I can and can not do. For example- I post three times a week on Instagram grid. Why? Because I know I can be faithful to that goal. Not less and not more. I’ve kept Instagram (grid) my strong game with Facebook and Pinterest following behind. That is it. Why? I’d rather be in one place doing one thing well and then expand on it. I’ve discovered I love reels, but doing one every week is not possible for me. So I’m aiming for once a month to twice. So far that goal as been met. I even did them when I had no music because Instagram wouldn’t give me some music love for 3 months…no regrets.

In my personal life I am in charge of vacuuming the main level of my home. It takes me 30 mins to 1.25 to complete it. It is a six day a week job in the mornings (unless I’m not there or its Sunday). But here’s the catch… I do NOT pick up anyones stuff. So if it’s messy I vacuum around it or shove it aside. If there are 10 things that I must pick up it will be an extra needless 5-10 minutes to my morning routine. The results? My commitment has help keep the house clean and my wanna be clean freak self happy.

Launching & Consistency comes from setting realistic goals

I’m not perfect and I’m not going to hold myself to that standard. Realistically, I will be derailed from my best laid plans. Knowing what I have on my plate helps me to be consistent and launch. Sometimes that means more No’s than I like especially for what I want to do. Or saying yes to what I should do but don’t want to do. Being willing to do something everyday helps follow through. Batching is my friend. One that I haven’t utilized as much I’d like…because LIFE. But baby steps right? A final thought, being aware of the season I am in helps me set attainable goals. Which helps me to not look well not put together. Finale, seeing dreams that have been placed on my heart come to life because I was willing to buckle down and do the things I don’t want to do.

If this is an inspiration, check out the gallery-shop for similar art.

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Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.