My life both personal and business

Everyone life has changed in someway or another during the Covi-19. No-I’m not going to go on about the virus what you should or should not do. There are enough voices that crows, shouts, and whispers raspy sounding approvals or not- the irony of it all is that we don’t know what the heck we are even doing- yet we pretend that we do (except for the true medicals that are basing things on facts as they come in). You, like I am, are probably tired of hearing about the mundane drone on it. However, if you permit me I’d love to share on a personal live the stories of these 3 months- the joys, the stress, and even hardship that I can’t even begin to compare to anyone else…and I can’t. They’re my hardships not anyone else’s.

I’ll never forget this season, not many will. But I warrant I’ll not forget this season for many different reasons. You see. This shutdown on the world has made me do something I should have been doing all along. Fly. Fly High. Fly low. Fly sometimes into branches, walls, and sometimes even bomb into waters.

To keep on flying despite what inner fears are saying.

Little money was coming. The money I relied on for 3 months to 6 months of my year was gone in a flash. Bills were coming and they were no small amounts. This is uncomfortable being vulnerable like this I confess I don’t like it. This isn’t for me though…I want you to see something beautiful. There was no anger when I discovered I wouldn’t be able to work. However, there were tears and instant hitting on my knees. Surrendering. I surrendered on the spot because I *knew* if I didn’t surrender and praise the first thing, the consequences of my thoughts would lead to reacting out of fear and emotions.

This was not an unknown road I’d travel- its one I know well. For all its briars I’d learned valuable lessons. I remembered thinking through blurred eyes tears and my heart finding rest. If God took care of me 5 years ago when my sister and I were hungry, cold, and without shelter miles away from home- then He will take care of me now. (That’s a story for another time and the answer to finding shelter was hiding in the airport for the night.)

He is always, always faithful. Always. And He is always Good.

Credit goes to my sister for rocking a camera for my 1st branding session.

After talking with Him, I arose and went into action. My fears put aside and my thoughts bent on how could I help and inspire others using my business? This gift of time was here. Considering this, I remembered two years ago I invested in faith classes and I knew it was time to learn how to teach. The beginnings of Reflecting Life Academy came, but in ways I did not think it would. Don’t worry- I’m not here to sell- they aren’t even available yet.

I’m simply telling you my story.

After a long time of refusing to do videos (I’ve been debating for over three months), I took the plunge after several people told me they wanted to learn how to style their hair. The hair tutorials are free…because I know feeling beautiful and be able to style hair lends comfort and confidence. The timetable moved up. I had schedule for this year in learning how to teach classes- but they weren’t to start until July. I have no regrets. With limited time crunch, I knew it had to be simple. A quality simplicity that would brighten my day and yours.

Three months have nearly passed since I had knowledge of not working a regular job and I’ve learned that I love what I do. The three months taught me to value the quote:

If I have a word from God then I have everything I need.

Sheila Atchley

Money came that covered my bills. How I run my personal life affects my business life and how I run my business affect my personal. There is simply no way around it. My online gallery-shop opened, I started working on Academy, free online tutorials went up YouTube ( YouTube and I had a hated relationship until I took classes to figure her out), I sold my first print from my shop, there are clients coming through the doors (figuratively here). I am overwhelmed by goodness. Growth has happened more in these months than last year…last year was behind the scenes •hard• work that made me cry more than once and thought of quitting.

I’m glad I didn’t.

Though this has been a 10 year process with 5 years in business. I really say 4.5 because I wasn’t even in the country for most of the first year- but I digress because on paper its 5. By the way I completely forgot my own business birthday… January 19th! Lol- I shall play it up big when she hits 10. I do have much to learn- there are so many voices that I had to shut them out. Get down to a quietness and ask what God wanted. It was only when things were stripped away that I was able to get clarity. Clarity came because of surrender and choosing to praise. Then I went to work…I didn’t stay idle and twittled my thumbs.

One thing I know…I didn’t want life passing me by.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I know I’ve touched one person making him happy with my hair tutorials. There are clients who are excited of what I have to offer and asking to share my name. Maybe next year Reflections By Christina won’t even be on the map- I don’t know what tomorrow will hold. Maybe she will have grown far past my biggest dreams which honestly is pretty darn big.

However, I know that what I am doing is giving encouragements, its making me happy, and my days are full of hard work, laughter, and beauty. In all of this in the hard word, restless nights, wondering how it was going to come to gather and deciding it didn’t matter to simply do it….I remembered to smell the tulips. We don’t have roses in our garden yet, but we do have tulips from Netherlands herself. I dreamed, but I lived daily happy with what I have. What I’m trying to say I guess- I stopped stressing about the past and future.

My hands found work for today.

Schedule for me didn’t change that much. Spontaneously is the theme of my life. One of my friends calls the way I live a gypsy life with homegrown roots in TN. You know…I love that. Exploring this grand world of ours, leaving bits of piece of my heart all over…but coming home to my people, be present with them when I am here. My business I simply explore and nudge to see what happens. If I like it (even if I personally don’t like doing it sometimes) I explore further because its good. If it’s not…I have given myself freedom to do it another way if possible or quit all together.

It’s not easy- no doubt I’ll have days where I’ll asked myself hard questions. I’m barely keeping up with what I have. But I also know I’ve been the happiest in a long long time. Doing calling that God has set upon though it’s hard work makes one happy. There is grace in the midst even in doing things that are mundane. Being aware of what is to be done today…and doing only what is to be done today proved to me…one of the simplest, joyfully, and very fulling life for others + me.

Live life for me, but not for me.

A lesson I’ve learned. Summing it up and clarifying what I said. Love what is mine so it can overflow to others. Be protective over what is mine to do…but allow God to clear the paths. As simple as it is…it took years for me to learn. LOVE•WHAT•IS•MINE


Being a visual scribe with grace & simplicity in everyday life.