This is my first year I am intentionally taking time off. At least as much time off as I can for both Christmas & New year- I’d love it if was two weeks. It has surprised me how much work I have to do in order to buckle down & be streamline on business. Urgent, important, and pre-prep work are divide carefully, adjust, and/or abandoned all together.

Honestly, I am not sure why this year is important that I take off. However, as I look back at my early & mid twenties I realize how rushed it seemed to be. Please don’t get me wrong, my family and I celebrated as we could. Have you ever felt as if you aged 5 or even 10 years in one year? I have. Which is why it’s important this year to me to take time off.
Previously in my blog post I talked of being in awe and wonder during this Christmas season. Part of allowing me to be in awe and wondering is specifically taking time to do that. Intentionally creating beauty, intentionally building relationships, and intentionally taking time to allow my mind to be at rest.
However, life is crazy. I hear you…you breathe a muttered “Oh yes it is.” . I wish I could give you a formula for how and when to take off. But I am afraid that is only your call to make. There is a part of me that wonders is it even possible for me to take it off? Yet. I am determined to do as I can. Please hear what I am saying.
Give time off to yourself as you can in this season, and allow yourself to be full of awe and wonder.
It is when we take time…intentional time that we tend to start to notice. We notice the small- but oh so very important details. Details that lends itself in special opportunities otherwise missed. That in the midst of the rush and rumble there’s a stillness. That stillness turns into gratitude. Gratitude turns into wonder. Wonder turns into Praise or perhaps other way around. Sometime the praise turns into wonder.
As Christmas gets closer, dreams get bigger, and preparations goes deep and wide…don’t forget. Take time to reflect why Christmas is here. Last month to be honest had I been given this advice I’d cry. Not because I was upset, but because I was so busy I was cross-eye. Being sick didn’t help…then again it never does does it? Yet, I began to take more off my plate. A little at a time when and as possible I gently allowed more breathing room in schedule. Having a goal in mind to allow myself be in wonder has helped create both good deadlines, and rest.
What is your goal for this Christmas? Whatever it is, I hope you make it not about business as usual. I truly hope you find what helps you be in awe and wonder for Christmas. Most of all, I pray that you find yourself knowing more and more personally of who Jesus is.