There comes a point in your life where all the no’s just comes to the point of where you have to make a decision. You have to decide to cave in to the No’s and there are times that it is wise to do so.
But there also comes a time that you need to rise above adversity, to spread your wings among the No’s. It’s hard to hold your head high, It’s painful to put the nose to the grind. It’s exhausting to pull every ounce of what you know that you know within your heart to keep going against the no’s .
This is the time where you hold fast to your why, this is the time you start thanking those who disbelieve you for lighting the fire underneath you. But this is also the time..to forgive. Forgive them…forgive yourself. Do not let anger separate those whom you deeply love. Allow the anger to channel into determination. It takes time.
However, with grace, forgiveness, and a lot of conversations with God the No’s can actually be a propelling force into doing what aught to be yours.
Sometimes the No’s turn into the best yes, because we took time to examined and continued with the heart of what we set out to do. Sometimes the No’s shifts our perspective and we moved in much better direction than originally started out with.
At times, the No’s shifts our perspective and we moved in much better direction than originally started out with. There are No’s that we need to heed. The no’s that we need to respect and back off. The No’s that allows us to surrender for a much a greater yes. The No’s that not only protect ourselves, but others. There are No’s that create beautiful boundaries allowing close relationships.
It starts and ends with the heart attitude. No’s can sometimes be the catalyst to have courage to do what’s right.It starts and ends with the heart attitude. No’s can sometimes be the catalyst to have courage to do what’s right.